October 5, 2021 Douglas Shaw & Associates

Donor churn is costly, and reducing it makes the most of your development investment. That’s why it is critical to focus on how your organization can both retain your existing donors as well as turn new donors into regular ones before they drift away.

During this webinar, you’ll:

    • Evaluate various aspects of your development program, including messaging, channel selection, timing, and more with a self-evaluative checklist to help you identify the strengths and gaps of your program.
    • Examine elements of successful new donor welcome series that activate a high percentage of new donors to second and subsequent gifts.
    • Critique your newsletters and impact reports for donor-focused messaging that demonstrates the impact of your donors’ gifts to increase revenue.

With new donors coming in during the holiday season, learn how to engage them well into the new year and beyond.

We look forward to having you join us on October 13th at 12:00 PM CDT.


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