Prettier isn’t always better. Design is more than just making your next direct response fundraising piece . . .
What’s Next: Cryptocurrency and Nonprofits
In a recent meeting with a nonprofit we serve, a question came up: Should we be accepting cryptocurrencies on our website?
Will You Retain Donors Motivated by COVID-19?
It’s pretty clear that new COVID-motivated donors aren’t behaving like disaster donors —
Independence from What?
As we make our plans to celebrate Independence Day this year, it means so much more to me than any other year in my life. That’s a bold statement, I realize, but I believe it to be true!
Using Digital Advertising to Find Donors
The only thing certain about 2021 is uncertainty. You can’t anticipate your donors’ personal circumstances or their confidence to keep giving as usual.
Inside this Issue: Looking Ahead: The Remainder of 2021
The front cover of this issue pretty well sums up cross-country . . .
Getting Your Message Opened
The difference between a message that is read and one put directly in the trash is simple . . .
Debunking Direct Response Myths
Direct response fundraising is often misunderstood, even within the organizations that rely on . . .
Mid-Year Checkpoint
We’re coming up on the halfway point of 2021, which means now is the time to perform a mid-year check-in with . . .
Life Among the Ashes
For a while, when I was in middle-school, I had the good fortune of living on a 1,200-acre ranch in central Washington State. We lived on the last ranch outside of a small cow town in the foothills of the Stewart Mountain range.