Organizations have a lot of digital networks and tools available to them. That’s useful, because your subscribers and followers want to feel personally connected to your mission. But as new networks seem to pop up all the time…
Ask Wiley: Is there any research to validate the need for direct mail in communication with donors?
With much excitement, we announce a new Donor Focus column that answers queries from fundraisers like you by Wiley Stinnett, our veteran SVP, Executive Creative Director. The first question up: “Is Direct Mail Dead?”
Inside this Issue Celebrating 25 Years Of Service
This is a rather emotional column for me to write. On October 24th 1994, twenty-five years ago, I sat down in my dining room and began Douglas Shaw & Associates. I remember well both the excitement and the fear! Excitement, stemming from all of the opportunities…
Celebrating 25 Years Of Service What Is Right With The World
Founder and CEO, Doug Shaw, spent years working at agencies whose clients, over time, had one common message for him: start your own company. Little did he realize that hearing those simple yet encouraging words from faithful clients 25 years ago would be the catalyst to Douglas Shaw & Associates.
Unexpected Gifts at Year-End? Yes, Please!
What You Need to Know: Nonprofit Texting
As mailboxes, inboxes, and social feeds get more complex and crowded, there’s one platform out there that stands alone with a 95% open rate—text messages. Their unique ability to get a message right in front of your donors raises huge potential…
Great Testing That Works!
Fundraising is frequently counterintuitive: To avoid assuming what inspires your donors to give, you must get data to inform your strategic decisions.
Going Where the Donors Are: Digital Acquisition
As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
Inside this Issue
As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
Ask Wiley: Welcoming New Donors
New donors are a vital part of any fundraising plan. And you have spent your valuable time and dollars finding people who not only agree with your cause but want to fund it. So, don’t throw away all that effort by failing to connect with these new people right away.