We’re privileged to announce our partnership with Shepherd Center, ranked among the nation’s top ten rehabilitation hospitals for spinal cord and brain injury.
Three Ways to Improve Your Fundraising Letters
There are countless different tips, tricks, and tactics you can use when writing your appeal letters, emails, landing pages, and any other direct response communications. I want to give you three secrets that I’ve used over the years to write effective direct mail and digital copy.
WARNING: This Is Your Last Issue
In the busyness and constant activity of life, it’s all too easy for matters that are truly important to slip by the wayside. With this in mind, when you contemplate how best to reconnect with donors who haven’t given to your organization in a while—consider serving them with a friendly reminder.
It’s Like Velcro . . .Multi-Channel Strategies and Why They Matter
Fundraising (and marketing in general) boils down to communicating a compelling need in simple terms with a clear call to action. And while not every communication channel is equally effective, the same ingredients are critical. See how to make your fall fundraising work across all channels
Going Beyond Digital Engagement
An excellent pool of passionate supporters who don’t sign up for email communications, don’t sign advocacy pledges, and aren’t becoming financial donors is a fundraising dead-end. That’s why Amy Sewell, our Director of Digital Solutions, goes to work BEYOND engagement and gets to the heart of conversion.
Is Direct Mail Dead?
With much excitement, we announce a new Donor Focus column that answers queries from fundraisers like you by Wiley Stinnett, our veteran SVP, Executive Creative Director. The first question up: “Is Direct Mail Dead?”
Maximize Your Multi-Channel Fundraising
It’s not just the weather that’s hot: fundraisers like you and me are in the midst of sweating the details of finalizing our fall fundraising plans. That’s why there’s no better time to look at insights to make your holiday season efforts more joyful and successful!
Welcome LSS Northern California!
Douglas Shaw and Associates is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Lutheran Social Services of Northern California!
Welcome Open Door Rescue Mission!
We count it a privilege to come alongside Candace Gregory and her team at Open Door Mission in Omaha in drawing new supporters who will help rebuild many lives through their partnership of giving.
Welcome Charlotte Rescue Mission!
Douglas Shaw and Associates is pleased to serve this incredible organization with comprehensive direct response services and consulting.