Donor acquisition is the lifeblood of every organization, but not all new donors are created equal. It can be a temptation to look at the results of an initial acquisition effort as the only metric for success, but acquiring new donors that give only one time will not build capacity for the future.
It’s Not a Relationship Without a Second Gift
If your acquisition campaign went according to plan, you should have a lot of new and potentially profitable donors added to your file. Congratulations, now what do you do?
If you’ve invested the time and money on acquiring a new donor, it’s vitally important that you don’t neglect them because the future of that relationship depends on what you do next.
Welcome Orlando Union Rescue Mission!
For the past 70 years, Orlando Union Rescue Mission (O.U.R.) has been committed to serving Central Florida’s men, women, and families who are hungry, hurting, and homeless.
Welcoming Grace To You!
It’s a great privilege to partner with Grace To You as they engage their supporters in placing resources into as many hands as possible, anywhere in the world.
Don’t Forget to Say Thank You!
If you could see your year-end fundraising future, what would it look like? Perhaps a group of very excited, yet slightly exhausted, fundraising staff all slapping high-fives and celebrating the results of a successful year-end campaign.
Emergency Response: There is No Time To Lose!
Just days after Hurricane Harvey ripped through Texas and Louisiana, I was sitting in a session at the DMA Nonprofit Federation convention…
Are You Listening to Your Donors?
Who should I communicate with? How often should I communicate with them? What gift amount should I ask them for? These are questions we often hear from organizations and they are valid concerns. The answers to these questions are often easier to find than you would expect.
Make the Numbers Work for You
Not long ago, a development professional for a ministry commented: “I know how to pull reports from my system, but I don’t know how to read them!” And he isn’t alone…
Inside this Issue: Data Donor Focus
What you are holding in your hand, or looking at on your screen, is our final issue of Donor Focus for this year. All 40 of us here at Douglas Shaw & Associates hope that you’ve found some useful content to help you along your way.
Is it Time to Dump Direct Mail?
If your online revenue has been growing, chances are your team has thought about cutting back on direct mail. Your board or CFO might see an opportunity to save money by shifting away from the hard costs of so much mail.