Today, one thing I CAN do is smile and give thanks this special season for being able to serve …
Inside this Issue: Closing the Gap
You may have already ended your fiscal year, but in Judeo-Christian cultures we are clearly on the doorstep to “the giving season.” That is why this issue of Donor Focus is committed to helping you finish the calendar year well.
Execute the Perfect Money Bomb!
The end of the year is so close, you can almost smell the burnt debris from the fireworks and you’re still sweeping up the confetti. But it’s not so close that you don’t have enough time to drop the perfect Money Bomb.
Setting Your Sights on Facebook
Did you know that you can put a message in front of the same donors online that you are reaching through direct mail?
“It’s the end of the year and we’re behind budget—what can we do?”
It looks like you’re not going to meet the year-end budget. Don’t let the panic consume you, the tools for a successful year-end campaign are available.
Major Donors Love to Give at Year-End!
Here’s a great opportunity for you to significantly boost your income before the calendar changes to January 2018. It is relatively inexpensive for the amount of money it raises and ANYBODY can do it.
Taking Your Homepage by Storm
The last week of 2017 typically sees about 48% of an organization’s December donations. For many of the clients we serve, that can amount to 25% of their annual budget for the year.
RULE #39: Speed counts!
This rule is one that I actually enjoy. Anybody who really knows me wouldn’t be surprised by this at all. I’m always in a hurry! If I could, I’d have everything done yesterday!
Pick Up the Phone: Year-End Fundraising Strategy that Just Works
Outbound telemarketing must be considered as a key part of your strategy. Yes, some say it no longer works, but that’s not true. Properly executed, telemarketing not only generates significant net revenue…
The Optimization Effect
Whether or not you realize it, your online donation forms are full of “friction”—and it’s costing your organization money.