In 2014, on a trip to Chad, I met missionaries working on a literacy project in the Sahara desert. These kids were the first generation to have…
Saying “thank you” to donors is necessary (and profitable!)
There’s a great Wallace Shawn (Vizzini) line from the classic movie, The Princess Bride, that comes to mind when I hear the annual poll results…
Breaking the Rules
When working in ministry (and in particular, ministry fundraising) – there’s one golden rule: keep requests for prayer separate from…
CARE Australia Taps Douglas Shaw & Associates for Digital Services
“We’re delighted to be working with CARE Australia and supporting their mission,” said Doug Shaw, Chairman and CEO of Douglas Shaw & Associates…
Donor Acquisition: When the “Widow’s Mite” Hurts Your Ministry
While teaching in the temple, Jesus is addressing the crowd gathered around Him. Some are asking questions to learn from Him, others are…
From the Floor: Our Report From the NRB Convention
One thing about the NRB convention during an election year, it’s never dull. This year saw presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson…
The New Face of Facebook for Nonprofits
This week, Facebook unveiled a new set of resources for nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), good for both the newbie and…
The Gift of Testing – From Gut Instinct to Proven Response
It’s the word that can strike fear into the heart of every schoolchild, but in the language of fundraising, testing is a gift. It’s a gift of…
Live the Give: Shelley Cochrane
“Growing up, we were what you might call an ‘under-resourced’ family – living below the poverty line. We didn’t have a lot, but we were happy…
Development Office Resolutions: Making 2016 Your Best Fundraising Year
A new year always sparks new optimism, and many of us welcomed 2016 with lofty goals. Eating less and exercising more are generally good things…