The Great Advantage of a Snail Mail Receipt

In my last blog, I urged you to not give in to pressure to use email as the channel for your thank-you letter and official donor receipt. If you remember I cited a statistic that’s pretty compelling . . . “most organizations receive as much as 30% of their direct response income from bounce-back or receipt income.” Notice I qualified my statement by using the phrase, “direct response.”

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The AGRM 2015 Convention

[text_output]It’s been a great week at the 2015 AGRM Convention!  We have enjoyed getting to talk with many of you and hearing about the great work you’re doing.  Please feel free to reach out to us in the coming weeks if you think of additional questions or would like to hear more about how we can create a campaign customized specifically to your needs.[/text_output][slider animation=”slide” slide_time=”5000″ slide_speed=”650″ slideshow=”true” prev_next_nav=”true”][slide]20150528_121043[/slide][slide]20150528_113730[/slide][slide]20150528_132345[/slide][slide]replacement-photo-agrm[/slide][slide]20150528_120915[/slide][/slider]