Douglas Shaw & Associates, a recognized leader in multi-channel fundraising for ministries and nonprofits, launched…
There are rules in fundraising, just like there are in quantum physics or any other field of study. Granted, these rules are not as complicated and…
It seems like of lot of people are asking this question. It’s a reasonable thing to ask, especially if your nonprofit is thinking about trying to grow…
I’ve been around the fundraising barn a few times. In fact I’ve worn a path around it that, if filled with water, would resemble a moat! I’ve played…
I first heard this comment in 1980, when I began my fundraising journey. I was sitting in the office of the president of a nonprofit. Seated around…
That’s right; some of the oldest and largest nonprofits in the world are joined by some of the newest and smallest organizations in this seductive activity!
I’m a huge fan of all things food related. One of my favorites is the always irreverent Gordon Ramsay and his Kitchen Nightmares. That’s where…
Do you struggle with Shiny Object Syndrome (S-O-S)? You know what I mean. You go to the store with a distinct list of things you need and you…
In my last posting I wrote about the CEO’s expectations of a director of development. This time the tables turn. What are reasonable expectations…