Believe it or not the hardest part of providing fundraising counsel to nonprofits is NOT raising sufficient income! It’s not coming up with strategies…
What is the CEO’s Role in Raising Funds?
I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve spoken with nonprofit fundraisers and heard this statement, “We’ve got a great CEO, but I just can’t…
What is the Most Difficult Question in Fundraising?
As simple as it may sound, one of the most difficult questions nonprofits have to answer is: “What do we need the money for?” Sounds easy doesn’t it?
How You Use Power Will Determine the Health of Your Organization
Leaders, at any level within an organization, can create an environment of joyful service. Conversely, there are many leaders who view power as something…
In Search of Practical Wisdom?
Perhaps it began at the beginning of the Renaissance. We traded our search for wisdom to a search for knowledge. We went from our ability to live with…
Creating a Culture to Advance Your Mission
There’s a whole lot of changing going on! I’m 61 years old and that means I was born in 1952. I think they’re starting to dig up artifacts from that era (especially if you…
In Pursuit of Excellence
Over the years a lot has been written about excellence. In fact, if you type excellence into Amazon they’ll identify over 120,000 items of which 20,000+ are books.
Simple Isn’t Easy
I’ve always found that simple takes a lot of work. One of the 20th century’s greatest thinkers, Albert Einstein, said that “most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially…