The year-end giving season is a busy time, when development staff work fast and furiously to keep donor processes running smoothly
Upcoming Webinar: Preparing For The Unexpected
Change—the inevitable constant. And with change, comes challenges.
Inside the Issue: Your Annual Plan is a Roadmap
“So, how much money are you going to raise this year, Doug?”
Your Annual Plan is Your Roadmap
A good annual plan is a very detailed roadmap that can get you where you need to go, but there might be detours along the way!
To Look Forward, You Must Look Back
A successful annual plan starts with data. That’s because data can tell you almost anything about your donors and their giving behaviors
Ask a Direct Response Pro
Q. How do we know how much of last year’s annual plan should stay the same and how much testing or new initiatives should be added in?
Fundraising to Make The Biggest Impact
Dreaming big. Casting vision. That’s the exciting part—creating the ideal picture of how you want to make your greatest impact in the world.
What to Do When Your Cookie Crumbles
There have been many changes in the world of digital advertising for nonprofits in recent years.
A Blueprint for Better Newsletters That Yield Incredible Fundraising Results
Newsletters offer a unique opportunity to engage your donors in an exciting, highly visual way—informing them of how greatly their generosity has benefitted your organization’s recipients, making a difference in their lives for many years to come.