Donor Focused Communication

Organizations have a lot of digital networks and tools available to them. That’s useful, because your subscribers and followers want to feel personally connected to your mission. But as new networks seem to pop up all the time...
Organizations have a lot of digital networks and tools available to them. That’s useful, because your subscribers and followers want to feel personally connected to your mission. But as new networks seem to pop up all the time...
13 Nov 2019

Emerging Trends for Digital Fundraising Growth

Organizations have a lot of digital networks and tools available to them. That’s useful, because your subscribers and followers want…

This is a rather emotional column for me to write. On October 24th 1994, twenty-five years ago, I sat down in my dining room and began Douglas Shaw & Associates. I remember well both the excitement and the fear! Excitement, stemming from all of the opportunities...
This is a rather emotional column for me to write. On October 24th 1994, twenty-five years ago, I sat down in my dining room and began Douglas Shaw & Associates. I remember well both the excitement and the fear! Excitement, stemming from all of the opportunities...
08 Oct 2019

Inside this Issue Celebrating 25 Years Of Service

This is a rather emotional column for me to write. On October 24th 1994, twenty-five years ago, I sat down…

Founder and CEO, Doug Shaw, spent years working at agencies whose clients, over time, had one common message for him: start your own company. Little did he realize that hearing those simple yet encouraging words from faithful clients 25 years ago would be the catalyst to Douglas Shaw & Associates.
Founder and CEO, Doug Shaw, spent years working at agencies whose clients, over time, had one common message for him: start your own company. Little did he realize that hearing those simple yet encouraging words from faithful clients 25 years ago would be the catalyst to Douglas Shaw & Associates.
08 Oct 2019

Celebrating 25 Years Of Service What Is Right With The World

Founder and CEO, Doug Shaw, spent years working at agencies whose clients, over time, had one common message for him:…

As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
04 Sep 2019

Going Where the Donors Are: Digital Acquisition

As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best…

As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best potential donors and get a message in front of them wherever they happen to be. This is one of my favorite things about working in digital.
04 Sep 2019

Are You Ready for the 4th Quarter?

As fundraisers, the reality of finding your potential donors is complicated. But there are still ways to identify the best…