February 23, 2017 Doug Shaw

In this issue of Donor FocusTM you’ll find some pretty interesting stuff to help you with your direct response fundraising.

It begins with Vice President Keith Cleghorn’s critical insights into acquiring more and better donors. You’ll also see why so much of your communications to donors may be ending up in the trash (perish the thought!) Then comes the dreaded Rule #59: An Ineffective Chief Development Officer Drains the Life Out of Your Ministry. Whew! Not exactly a feel-good piece, but a true story nonetheless.

Amy Sewell, our Director of Digital Solutions, also shares how to better Navigate the Digital Landscape by identifying 3 Steps to Building Your Digital Foundation. Lastly, you’ll hear from Adam Petraglia, one of our Account Coordinators, who delivers to us a “light refreshment” to rejuvenate our project management style.

We found out our last issue of Donor Focus was so well-received that one ministry began copying it and circulating it to other members of their staff. The good news is, you don’t have to do this. Simply have your colleagues subscribe, and we’ll be very happy to send them their very own copy to enjoy.

For all of us here at Douglas Shaw & Associates, let me express what a privilege it is to serve the nonprofit community. Together, we are part of what is right with the world!


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