October 4, 2018 Doug Shaw

It’s fall! The most blessed of all fundraising seasons is upon us! As a fundraiser, my adrenaline levels naturally increase this time of year. We get to see if all of our well-laid plans will yield the harvest we’ve so carefully planted and watered during the year.

I think it’s appropriate that this issue features an article by our Creative Director, You Had Me at Thank You! If things go well over the next few months, you could be doing a lot of thanking your donors for their generosity.

We’ll also be hearing from our Associate Consultant and resident volunteer, Adam Petraglia, about Getting Lost in Service.

Be sure and check out Wiley’s column to see what direct response question he’s answering this time. But please don’t stop there. Graham Shaw (our COO) has written an inspiring piece, Making A Difference Together, exploring the value of a trusted partnership.But wait, there’s more! Check out the details about our next FREE Webinar…

Wishing you a joyful harvest!

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