October 5, 2020 Doug Shaw

On the 22nd of this month, we’re officially beginning the fall season! What will this traditional time of generous giving hold for you and your organization? To some degree, your fall fundraising efforts will depend upon how your state or province is coping with COVID-19. What’s your location’s current phase of reopening? Is your overall outlook positive? Are you experiencing resurgences in COVID-19 cases?

The reality we all face is that what we, personally or corporately, believe about COVID-19 doesn’t really matter. What does matter is what our donors think! This is especially true when it comes to holding special events where people traditionally gather at banquets, galas, and dinners to see and hear how their gifts are being used to change things for the better.

Since Douglas Shaw & Associates is a direct-response fundraising firm, we are experiencing record-high levels of giving for the organizations we serve. The very nature of direct response brings fundraising and reports of success to mailboxes, computer screens, and the airwaves. Donors can be working from home and still support the causes they know and love.

That’s why this issue of Donor Focus emphasizes the importance of direct-response fundamentals as we enter the fourth quarter of our calendar year. Our Chief Operations Officer, Graham Shaw, describes the Three Keys to Getting a Second Gift from a newly acquired donor. Amy Sewell, Vice President of Digital Solutions, has joined with Aubrey Hoeppner, Consultant, Client Services, to help you Raise More When It Matters Most. And then, Amy bravely wades into The Great Giving Tuesday Debate. I hope you’ll benefit greatly from the insights these exceptional people bring to you in preparation for year-end.

Thanks for being part of what is right with the world!


Our team is happy to help advise you on what strategy may work best for your organization. Please contact us today to get the conversation started.

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