November 8, 2021 Doug Shaw

There are so many people in this world who are good, kind, and loving. I’m so very thankful for this! I find myself cherishing phrases like:

Salt of the earth

Pulling together

Helping hands

Always a kind word

Has your back

Will do anything for you

Feeds your soul

Gives you the shirt off their back

This is what makes me believe that “good triumphs over evil.” Call me an optimist, but my experience with those engaged in this great endeavor called philanthropy are very likely to share my view.

You see, we have the privilege of seeing the good side of the human heart. Yes, there’s plenty of misery to go around. So many are in mourning, and we are in a time when so much suffering abounds. But there’s enough love, hope, and generosity in this world to soothe, comfort, and lift the pain so suffering cannot prevail!

And the simple fact is, you can’t stop the spread of genuine human kindness! It’s found in:

Every family, clan, and tribe

Every city, town, and village

Every political party

Every dark corner

Every shining hill

At this critical moment in history, I am especially thankful to know we are made in the image of God!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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