October 8, 2024 Aubrey Hoeppner

Aubrey Hoeppner

As donors navigate a changing world—new technologies, a challenging economic climate, and demographic shifts—we can keep in step with them by paying attention to changes in their behavior and priorities.

The evolving technological landscape is a big piece of the changes donors are experiencing. Even though tech-native Millennials and Gen Z remain smaller segments of the donor base, an increasing number of older donors are giving online. A seamless and user-friendly online donation process is crucial in maintaining revenue from these donors. The rise of online giving, which saw a 4.1% increase in 2023* even as overall giving fluctuated, underscores the importance of a strong digital presence for nonprofits.

Many donors are also becoming choosier in which organizations they support—due both to tighter budgets and to declining trust in institutions. Nonprofits must clearly communicate their mission and how it aligns with donor values. Transparency and accountability are key; donors want detailed reports and updates that demonstrate the tangible impact of their contributions.

To succeed, nonprofits should:

  1. Remain nimble and able to adapt fundraising strategies that speak to a wider variety of donors and prospects.
  2. Leverage donor data to tailor communications to speak directly to your donors’ wants and desires.
  3. Thank your donors through receipting, impact reports, and communications that aren’t just solicitations so they feel acknowledged, valued, and connected to your cause.

With a shift in donor behavior, investing in digital tools is also critical. Your website is essentially the window into your brand and mission. Making it mobile-friendly and easy to navigate with a streamlined donation process can enhance the overall donor experience. Engaging with supporters through social media platforms by sharing compelling visuals, videos, and testimonials can help build a strong online community and attract new donors.

It’s important to engage the shifting donor demographics, but it’s equally crucial to continue engaging donors and prospects with messages and tactics that you know work. Before making radical, sweeping changes, execute clean tests—testing one variable at a time—to avoid unnecessary risks in this shifting landscape. There’s also opportunity to amplify other fundraising approaches—such as monthly giving programs—which can drive donor participation and create a stable revenue stream. Monthly giving programs provide predictable funding and allow donors to contribute consistently over time.

As you understand and embrace the changes in donor behavior, your nonprofit can not only maintain but also increase its charitable giving revenue. The key is to stay flexible, innovative, and deeply connected with your donors.

*Blackbaud Institute 2023 Trends in Giving

