Donor Acquisition

As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters to be involved in accomplishing your mission! And not just for today, but people who will continue to support your organization for years to come.
As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters to be involved in accomplishing your mission! And not just for today, but people who will continue to support your organization for years to come.
23 Apr 2020

Fundraising in the Time of COVID-19

As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters…

As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters to be involved in accomplishing your mission! And not just for today, but people who will continue to support your organization for years to come.
As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters to be involved in accomplishing your mission! And not just for today, but people who will continue to support your organization for years to come.
23 Apr 2020

Three Frequently Asked Questions on Testing

As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters…

As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters to be involved in accomplishing your mission! And not just for today, but people who will continue to support your organization for years to come.
As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters to be involved in accomplishing your mission! And not just for today, but people who will continue to support your organization for years to come.
23 Apr 2020

Is Your Donation Form Driving Away Donors?

As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters…

As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters to be involved in accomplishing your mission! And not just for today, but people who will continue to support your organization for years to come.
As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters to be involved in accomplishing your mission! And not just for today, but people who will continue to support your organization for years to come.
05 Mar 2020

The Truth About Co-Ops

As a steward of the fundraising responsibility for your organization, one of your most critical responsibilities is inviting new supporters…

For Douglas Shaw & Associates first webinar of the new year—and new decade!—
Keys to Building a Monthly Donor Program, we took a good, hard look at how to build a successful Monthly Donor Program—and what vital for a growing organization like yours.
For Douglas Shaw & Associates first webinar of the new year—and new decade!— Keys to Building a Monthly Donor Program, we took a good, hard look at how to build a successful Monthly Donor Program—and what vital for a growing organization like yours.
08 Jan 2020

Keys to Building a Monthly Donor Program

For Douglas Shaw & Associates first webinar of the new year—and new decade!— Keys to Building a Monthly Donor Program,…

A lot of time and energy is being spent on “what to do” with “the Millennials.” There are seminars, articles, and blogs each addressing this group of people as though they were some kind of aberration. They actually remind me of me! I’m a “child of the 60s” one of those long-haired, lazy hippie-types who were bringing America down. But the strange thing is, I was never a hippie, never had really long hair (I think Jimmy Carter’s hair was actually longer than mine), and I had three jobs just to get through high school. I didn’t have time to do anything with America except work, vote, and pay taxes!
A lot of time and energy is being spent on “what to do” with “the Millennials.” There are seminars, articles, and blogs each addressing this group of people as though they were some kind of aberration. They actually remind me of me! I’m a “child of the 60s” one of those long-haired, lazy hippie-types who were bringing America down. But the strange thing is, I was never a hippie, never had really long hair (I think Jimmy Carter’s hair was actually longer than mine), and I had three jobs just to get through high school. I didn’t have time to do anything with America except work, vote, and pay taxes!
10 Apr 2019

How to Reach Donors from Every Generation!

A lot of time and energy is being spent on “what to do” with “the Millennials.” There are seminars, articles,…

Three different perspectives written by contributors from three different generations. We examine the impact that Millennials, Generation Xers, and Baby Boomers have had on fundraising, and how to best target them in your direct response communications.
Three different perspectives written by contributors from three different generations. We examine the impact that Millennials, Generation Xers, and Baby Boomers have had on fundraising, and how to best target them in your direct response communications.
10 Apr 2019

The Importance of Multi-Generational Fundraising

Three different perspectives written by contributors from three different generations. We examine the impact that Millennials, Generation Xers, and Baby…