Fundraising Strategy & Planning

We often hear clients use the words “Summer Slump,” a term they use to describe what can be a difficult time of year to fundraise successfully. With school out, people on vacation, and good weather, donors can be distracted, and supporting your organization’s cause may not always be top of mind. But summer doesn’t have to be a time when you’re barely meeting your budget.
We often hear clients use the words “Summer Slump,” a term they use to describe what can be a difficult time of year to fundraise successfully. With school out, people on vacation, and good weather, donors can be distracted, and supporting your organization’s cause may not always be top of mind. But summer doesn’t have to be a time when you’re barely meeting your budget.
19 Mar 2018

Summer Slump? Try an Integrated Campaign!

We often hear clients use the words “Summer Slump,” a term they use to describe what can be a difficult…

Many nonprofits don’t clearly define their value proposition in interactions with potential donors – which negatively impacts donations and donor relationships.
Many nonprofits don’t clearly define their value proposition in interactions with potential donors – which negatively impacts donations and donor relationships.
08 Aug 2016

Value Propositions in Fundraising: New Study Shows Nonprofit Organizations Can Fall Short in Making the Case to Donate

Many nonprofits don’t clearly define their value proposition in interactions with potential donors – which negatively impacts donations and donor…