November 13, 2023 Doug Shaw

Each of us has found ourselves on our own journey through life. Even if we travel in the same direction as others, our journey is unique.

As far as I know, none of us can tell exactly where the road is leading. We may see higher ground in the distance, but it seems it’s not ours to know what lies between the beginning and end of our travels.

Even though the journey is uniquely our own, none of us is on the path by ourselves. Much of the time, there is comfort in this. Since we don’t know exactly where each step will take us, it’s a gift to walk with kindred spirits for a while because we all know there are others on the path who do not necessarily travel with civility or admirable intent.

Walking with kindred spirits seems to be at the very heart of Thanksgiving. It feels like a pause . . . to share what is good and right with our world. And there is more that’s good and right than we sometimes believe. To look for and share these grace-filled moments with those we know and love makes the journey worthwhile. May your belief in what is good and right be refreshed as you pause to give thanks this year.

Thank you for being a part of what is right with the world!

