October 12, 2022 Doug Shaw

Change—the inevitable constant. And with change, comes challenges. We’ve certainly seen a lot of challenges these past few years . . . health crises, political unrest, economic strain.

But even in these challenging times, the principles of successful fundraising have remained the same. In our upcoming webinar, Preparing for the Unexpected: Fundraising Success in the Midst of Financial Uncertainty, we’ll cover four key fundamentals for successful fundraising through our current financial crisis or any other that comes along.

We’ll walk you through how to:

  • Keep your donors front and center
  • Maximize opportunities to be seen by donors and potential donors
  • Shore up your internal systems
  •  Have a disaster plan

Your success during challenging times comes down to the preparation you do now. Join us on November 17, 2022 at 12 pm CST for this informative webinar—this is one you won’t want to miss.
