October 8, 2024 Doug Shaw

Douglas Shaw

I have sat in your chair.

As a VP of Development for many years, I know how it feels to have my nonprofit colleagues begin to doubt my department’s capabilities. This is usually a question that arises following years of success.

Today, this might be especially true after the great giving experienced in 2020 and 2021.

First and foremost, let me tell you that you are not alone, neither as a development professional or as an organization.

We can’t predict the “up,” but we can usually predict the “down.”

Just like in the stock market, there will always be a bear market stalking the bull. Neither you nor I create this dynamic; it just exists.

It doesn’t help you or your department to put energy into defending yourselves.

Rather, citing sources that are believable to your colleagues and supervisors; offer them a plan to minimize the appetite of the bear. Because you and I both know that if you can help your detractors see the state of philanthropic giving, their next question is going to be, “What are you going to do about it?”

That’s why I’m excited to share this latest issue of Donor Focus, and I hope it will equip and prepare you to navigate the doubts and questions you may be facing right now.

It starts with a Straight Talk with our Senior Vice President of Digital Solutions, Amy Sewell, who presents key strategies—and opportunities—to adapt in today’s challenging giving landscape.

Aubrey Hoeppner; Vice President, Client Services, provides important insights in donor behavior and how organizations can effectively adapt to meet the changing needs and desires of donors in her article, Shifting Donor Behavior.

And when it comes to the practical steps you can take right now to move forward with greater confidence and hope, our Senior Creative Director, Robert Johnson, provides three key strategies you can implement today in Riding the Wave.

Thank you for being a part of what is right with the world.
